3 Things You Can Do In The Next 30 Days To Launch Your Brand

We hear from many customers and clients that the idea of actually getting launched or even getting started getting launched feels very overwhelming and intimidating. We get it! When you’re just starting out, there are so many decisions to make, things to do, and ideas floating around, that you’re not even sure what the “first step” really should be.


If you’re feeling stuck in what to do “next” to take your dream from just an idea to a launched and live reality, we’ve got a quick, easy, and actionable 3-step process that will help you actually move your business forward. And, you could do this in just 30 days.

You may need these 3 steps to move your brand in the right direction if…

  • You have a dream for your brand or business, but you’re not sure how to make it real.

  • You’re having a hard time explaining what your business or blog actually is or what you do.

  • You have NO idea where to even start.

  • You need a kick in the rear because you know once the ball starts rolling, you’ll be ready to keep working.

If you’re ready to kick it into gear, watch Promise quickly explain the 3 steps in the video below and get more information, links, and helpful resources on those three action points below the video player.


3 Things You Can Do In The Next 30 Days To Launch Your Brand

1. Simplify your business model, your product, your offerings, and your services. 

It can be tempting to offer everything and the kitchen sink when you’re first starting out your business and figuring out your offerings, but we’d recommending you pare down as much as possible.

Even we have been there! When Promise first launched her business, she offered photography, design, fine art, and even sold dinosaur necklaces. Yes, we’d love to bring those back again, thanks for asking!

Here’s the problem when you offer everything under the sun: it’s not easy for people to understand what you do, and it’s even harder for people to share with others what you do.

In just a quick list, you could simplify….

  • your business model

  • your process

  • your product

  • your services

  • your main offerings

  • who you serve (your niche & ideal client)

If you want help getting started in how you can simplify your audience and hone in on your clients, your marketing, and who you serve, we’d recommend checking out our two mini workshops: Narrow Your Niche & Define Your Dream Client.

2. Craft a Brand Bio: Your one-sentence statement for your business. 

We have a great FREE resource that’s a quick and easy exercise in helping you actually define what you do.

This statement not only helps you stand out, but it also helps you articulate what you do quickly and simply.

You can then use this one-sentence statement on your social media profiles, your website, and when people ask, “What do you do?”

This clarity can really be a big stepping point in making sure you’re starting off on the right foot with your brand or business.

Click here to get the Brand Bio Formula straight to your inbox so you can get started ASAP.


3. Launch your website with a DIY template design. 

We encourage new or first-time entrepreneurs to utilize a template design rather than spending thousands of dollars and lots of time to create a custom website. You’ll be learning so much about your business in your first weeks, months, and even years that you’ll want to make sure you aren’t investing time and money into a vision that may quickly change as your business gets established and grows.

We believe really strongly in the idea of launching now (or ASAP) with what you have, on a budget, and with the bare bones or basics on your website, and then as your business grows, evolves, changes, and as you learn more about your offerings and your audience, then invest in a big site.

We’ve got many more reasons on why we recommend doing a DIY over a custom site here, and we believe in choosing Squarespace as the platform to build your first website on.


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