3 Prompts To Help You Write Your Website Copy


Is there anything worse than staring at a screen with a blinking cursor, realizing you have absolutely nothing to say? Words! Where are the words!

When it comes to writing the words for your website (or in design-speak, the “copy”), we don’t think there’s anything worse than a classic case of writer’s block.

But don’t worry - you know we got you! We put together a list of three prompts to help you dump that writer’s block (for good this time, okay?) and create some killer website copy. 

Shameless plug first: our Squarespace Website Templates are GREAT guides when it comes to copywriting. We have placeholder text throughout the template, so you’ll know exactly what to write and where to put it. You can check out our templates in our shop here.

Okay, now let’s get writing!

Pro Tip: Don’t feel like you have to stick to these three prompts. Feel free to brainstorm everything and anything — and then refine your ideas before adding them to your website.

3 Prompts To Help You Write Your Website Copy

Prompt 01: How did you get here?

No, this content doesn’t have to be exclusive to your About Page (but this prompt can help you build out that page, too). Explaining how and why you launched your business on your homepage can be key for connecting with your audience — and help you stand out from your competition.

Here’s some follow-up questions that might get your writing wheels turning again:

  • What do you want people to know about you and your business when they land on your website? 

  • What were some unique and significant moments that led you to starting your business?

  • What key information about you and your business would your ideal client need to know before making a purchase or booking a service with you?

Prompt 02: What do you bring to the table?

This one is really important: you need to clearly spell out how you can directly benefit your client’s life (and ultimately why they should trust you with their $$$).

To understand how to focus on the benefits in your copywriting, ask yourself the following questions about your customer, client or reader: 

  • What problem are you helping them solve?

  • How does your product, service or content help them achieve their goals, desires or dreams? Aka, how will it change their life?!

  • How do they feel after they have used your product or service?

Once you have these nailed down, you’ll have a clear grasp on what your ideal client or customer wants and needs, and you can cater your copywriting to directly address those wants and needs.

Pro Tip: Consider using the answers to the questions above as headings for your copywriting.

Prompt 03: Who are you writing for?

Have you heard the saying “if you try to be everything to everyone, you’ll end up being nothing to no one”? This directly applies to the copywriting on your website. When you know your ideal client inside and out (knowing their age, gender, lifestyle, etc), you can write with a specific person in mind, rather than just writing to the masses. 

Focusing on your ideal client can make your offer feel irresistible to this person, which will create more sales and revenue for your business. Think about words, language, tone of voice, and what information to include that will attract your ideal client and relate to them. 

P.S. If you have no idea who your dream client is (AKA, who you’re writing your website for), we have a workshop that will teach you how to find them.

The Wrap Up

Remember, no matter what copy you’re including on your website, keep it short and simple. When in doubt, cut it out. People mostly skim websites now, and including too much information can lead people to hit that “X” out button ASAP. 

After you write something, go back and try to cut it in half! And then in half again. If you’ve ever scrolled through our Template Shop, you’ll notice that the placeholder text on our templates is pretty short (that’s on purpose). You don't want to clutter your website with long or unnecessary copywriting. 

No matter where you’re at with your copywriting process, you can do this!


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