6 Tips For Writing The Content For Your Website


Building your website is a combination of writing and designing for your brand, blog, or business, and both task can feel really daunting and overwhelming to start! As entrepreneurs and new business owners, often we hold our dream and all the dirty details of our business so close that it can be hard to design or write for yourself or for your own business. 

Our easy-to-use, customizable Website Templates make it super easy to plug your content into a modern and clean design, but you've still got to do the work on the actual writing part! After years of helping people launch what they love, we know exactly how to write copy that is clear, concise, and actionable for your website! 

Our biggest tip? JUST START WRITING. We don't love to wait to feel inspired or feel like all the moons are aligning to begin writing. Just start typing and see what inspiration comes out! You can always go back, refine and edit. 

Beyond a "just do it" attitude, we've gathered our 6 favorite tips as you are creating content for your website launch. 


6 Tips To Help You Start Writing Your Website Content

1. Start By Naming The Pages You'll Need In Your Navigation.

We recommend having 6 or fewer pages in your navigation, and they should highlight your main offerings or your moneymakers!

For example, in our Kira Reid Template for Squarespace, the main pages in the navigation are Home, Book, About, Offerings, Blog and Contact. 

After you've done that, we recommend having small previews or snippets of each page on the homepage. So next, write a short piece of copy about each page for your homepage content.

For example, on the homepage for Kira Reid, we highlight or show a short snippet of each page in some way as you scroll down the homepage. 

After that, you've already got so much of your copy done! Jump into those other pages and keep the writing going. 

2. Use Your Template As A Frame Of Reference. 

If you've got one of our Website Templates, we've already envisioned how copy can fit right into your website's layout. If you are stuck on what to include, or how much to write, use your Website Template as a guide.

If there is a space for a short tagline, use that space! If there is a space for a short paragraph, write something to fill that! Write call to action buttons that work with your design as well. 

We've really designed each Website Template to be strategic and actionable, so use that as a resource. 

3. Keep Your Dream Client In Mind. 

When you know your ideal client inside and out (knowing their age, gender, lifestyle, etc), you can write with a specific person in mind, rather than just writing to the masses. Focusing on your ideal client can make your offer feel irresistible to this person, which will create more sales and revenue for your business. So, think about words, language and tone to use and what information to include that will attract your ideal client and relate to them. 

If you need help identifying your Dream Client, we've got a great resource to help you nail down all the details. You can shop the Dream Client Guide here

4. Focus On The Benefits. 

Sometimes, when people write about their business, they naturally tend to write about how amazing their business is. They expand on the features, the bells and whistles, and it tends to focus more on the company. However, it's a stronger approach to focus on how your product, service, or blog will benefit your client or reader rather than just how cool you are. 

To understand how to start with the benefits in your copywriting, ask yourself the following questions about your customer, client or reader: 

  • What problem are you helping them solve?

  • How does your product, service or content help them achieve their goals, desires or dreams?

  • How will your product, service or content change their life?

  • What do they feel or experience after they have used your product or service?

PRO TIP: Consider using the answers to the questions above as headings for your copywriting.

Make the focus of your copywriting about your client, and you'll see MAJOR success in connecting with them and getting them to book or buy from you. 

5. Have A Clear Call To Action.

When you're writing, write with a goal in mind. Every word on your website needs to support that main, actionable goal. Identify what the end goal of being on your website is - and then make that VERY clear from the get-go. Ask yourself the question: "What do I ultimately want them to DO on the site?" Then, create a clear calls to action centered around that end goal. 

Is the end goal to shop for a product? To call you? To sign up for your course? Make sure the main buttons or calls to action on your site reflect whatever that end goal is. 

PS - We've got a great blog post on how to Create A Call To Action Using Squarespace

6. Keep Everything Short and Simple. 

When in doubt, cut it out. Gone are the days where we use websites to hold every little bit of information about your business. Rather than being a warehouse of information, your website should serve as a strategic marketing tool; it acts as the front door of your business, inviting them in.

PLUS, people do NOT want to take the time to read lots of copywriting on a website anymore. They will most likely scan or skim your website rather than hang on your every word. 

After you write something, go back and try to cut it in half! And then in half again. You might notice that the dummy text on our Website Templates tends to be quite short - and that's on purpose! You don't want to clutter your website with long or unnecessary copywriting. Keep it short, keep it simple! 

If you've already written your website content, but feel like your homepage is a hot mess, we've got some tips on how to declutter


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