Squarespace Website Design For Podcaster & Educator Kat Harris


When Kat came to us she knew one thing, her DIY site was no longer working for her.

What began as a career in photography over a decade ago, had now become a full on lifestyle brand. She knew it was time to rebrand and up-level her online presence.

For this project, the goal was to create a cohesive brand that showcased Kat’s many offerings and areas of expertise. Our team got to work on a Restyle of our Penny Template For Squarespace. Throughout the process of creating her color palette + logo to designing her website we kept Kat’s style and audience in mind. The vibe we were going for was feminine, minimal and clean. We kept all the design elements simple, and let the strong imagery and custom script font bring the extra touch of feminine and fun.


Q&A with Kat Harris

What is your expertise or claim to fame?

I am an online educator for single women of faith, podcaster (we talk about everything from the latest episode of the Bachelor, to fertility, to mental health, love + relationships), and am currently writing my (gulp) very first book do in print April 2021! Ahh...it's a very exciting time! I've also been a full time photographer fo r the last decade.

What’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned in your business?

If I don't take myself seriously, no one else will! The Refined Woman started as a style blog 8 years ago with my friend Emily. We had no idea what we were doing, and it was a glorified side project for both of us. We didn't ever pause and think 'where do we see this going', 'what's our mission', or 'how do we make this into a viable business plan'. Paid work was non-existent because no one really knew who we were or what we did. It wasn't until I got very clear about my why, and what I wanted to offer the world, and created a plan to execute that did jobs start coming in. An d I also think I had to let go of how things worked for other 'bloggers' or entrepreneurs. Making money off style posts simply didn't ever work for us, which looking back makes sense as I hated doing them! But whenever I connected with women I felt alive. So I let go of the attachment to it looking a certain way, followed what mad e me feel alive, and created content, and offerings around that, and TRW slowly turned from being an expensive side hobby into a business.

What do you wish someone would have told you when you started out?

You have the permission to say N-O. As an entrepreneur for years I lived in fear of 'if I aint workin', I ain't workin g'. I didn't feel I had the luxury to take time off or rest. I didn't have PTO or a 401K, and I lived in constant hustle (or you might say panic) mode uncertain when o r if the next job would come. So I said yes to everything. This is a horrible long term plan, and my health and relationships really suffered. It wasn't until I start ed struggling with terrible panic attacks and auto immune issues four years ago, that I realized something had to change. Now I live my life based on the life and lifestyle I want to have, and am intentional about keeping normal work hours, shutting things off on the weekends, and trusting that saying 'no' to something for the sake of balance and rest will not hurt, but further my life, relationships, and career.

What does it mean to you to launch or redesign your website?

How can I respond to this question without sounding wildly dramatic??? Ummm...I can't. My new website changes EVERYTHING for me. In 8 years of my blog and business, I have NEVER paid for a website or rebrand. I never felt like I could afford it. No w 8 years in, I realize I can't afford not to have a high quality, branded, easy to use website. Having a new website elevates my entire brand. I'm ecstatic to have a functioning and easy to use ecommerce shop so I can serve my audience better. The n ew website from the very get-go makes it very clear who I am, what I do, and how I can serve my tribe. I couldn't be more excited about it!


Brand Inspiration & Website Visuals



See The Refined Woman On Squarespace


Get The Penny Template For Squarespace


Go live HQ

Clean & Minimal Squarespace Site For Education Mentor Caitlyn Richardson


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