Squarespace Website For Life & Business Coach



Curate Well Co

Pia is the CEO and coach behind Curate Well Co where her passion and focus is helping early and aspiring entrepreneurs launch a life they love without burnout, crazy busy or chronic chaos.



Pia worked with our team on a Restyle service where we started with our vault template Olivia May and customized the design to fit her clean, minimal and bold aesthetic. Since she offers a wide range of services such as coaching, courses, masterminds and one-on-one sessions, a big goal with this website was to showcase her offerings but keep it clean and minimal. One of our favorite custom details of this site is the use of vertical lines and typography.

Pia, CEO + Coach at Curate Well Co.

Custom Design Elements for Curate Well Co.’s Brand + Website


Where did your passion for the industry or craft start?

I woke up one morning and realized I had more to give. That what I wanted for my li fe was so far off from what I was actually living. I was chronically busy, stressed and hustling for everything I thought I had to earn.

I was exhausted, miserable and knew that I had so much more to offer the world. I decided I was done reacting to the life I didn’t want, and set out to actively pursue the life I did want. I intentionally curated every aspect of my life so that I felt aligned and fully alive every single day. I dug into what I wanted, what impact I could have, and what makes me, me. All in the name of never again saying, “You have more than that to give.”

Today, I work with early entrepreneurs: inspiring leaders, people of influence, mov er/shakers, and go-getters who know there’s more out there. Who want to live the li fe they’ve always dreamed of and become the person they were always meant to be. Wh o are ready to be seen, supported and challenged to become their most authentic, powerful self.

Everything I do is built on the belief that you have a unique expertise. And that i f you choose to take on the responsibility of finding out what it is and contributing it, that you. will. change. the. world.

What’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned in your business?

"Unless you can say no, your yes is meaningless." One of my mentors said this to me recently, and it beautifully demonstrates the biggest lesson I've learned. I'm constantly being pulled by the "more is better" narrative in our society, and am constantly reminded that I can do anything, but not everything. I can have it all, I jus t can't have it all right now. Learning to say 'no' and really mean it has been one of the most valuable lessons for me.

What do you wish someone would have told you when you started out?

Be human. It's all about the humans. Build a network. Make deep, meaningful connect ions. Be in community. Really see people. Hold space for people. Talk to people like they're people. This is what it's all about, no matter what industry you're in. The thing we have in common is our humanity -- our shared human experience.

What things have you gained / do you hope to gain in your life from following this dream?

Choice. In everything I do, I have a choice. My business, my life, and my future are all based in choice and it's the most freeing, fulfilling, and freakin' exciting thing I've ever experienced.


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