How To Do LESS Work & Make MORE Money


PICTURE THIS: You are sipping on mimosas during brunch with your friends, and you come home to your desk to find that your business has been running itself & KILLING IT all without you having to lift a finger. Your emails have been sent, people have scheduled you for inquiry calls, your contracts have been signed and your invoices have been paid – all without you having to make a SINGLE click.

Now, as you sit down to your desk, you get to do ONLY the parts of your business that you love and thrive in because you aren’t bogged down by the administrative tasks that never seem to end. You are able to book more clients & make more sales because you are focused on the most important parts of your business. 

If you dread even opening that inbox because you know the chaos that awaits you, it’s time work SMARTER, not harder. It’s time to automate the parts of your business that you can to take all that work that you don’t want to do off your plate so you can get back to doing what you were made to do.


ONE: Track your time for a week.

Write hour-by-hour what you spent your time on. You might be thinking, “You just seriously added more to my to do list,” but this is a HUGE help for you to see where you’re spending the most time in your business.

TWO: Identify your time traps.

After you track your time for a week, go through and highlight the things you want to be spending LESS time on in your business. This could be emailing back after someone fills out a contact form, sending out contracts, reminder emails, etc.

PRO TIP: As a business owner, your time should be filled with the things that only you can do (for example: vision casting, goal planning, etc.). If you have something in your business that you can outsource, do it! Don't get bogged down in tasks that you as a business owner don't have to be doing. 

THREE: Find your workflows.

If you’re using a system to automate your tasks, the first thing you need to do is figure out what order those tasks need to go in. Figure out which email your client gets first, when they get a contract sent, when they need a reminder email, etc.

PRO TIP: Write each step down that needs to happen on a sticky note so that you can re-order your steps & processes without having to scribble or erase.

FOUR: Implement your workflows.

Do some research on what systems will work with you best. We work with a couple of different systems so that technology works for our business, not around it.

Client Management // Dubsado
Instagram Planning // Planoly
Automated Email Marketing // Convertkit
Scheduling // Acuity Scheduling
Task Management // Trello


FIVE: Couldn’t automate totally everything in your business? Batch work it.

Batch work can be your best friend. One of our best tips for managing your time is to try to knock out the same task over and over again over the course of an afternoon, rather than spend the afternoon jumping from task to task.

For example, block off Monday afternoons for writing up your blog content. Schedule out Tuesday mornings for client calls. Set aside a couple of hours Wednesday to follow up on those potential clients you haven’t heard from in awhile.

You spend less brain energy working through one task over and over again than you would trying to do 7 different things in one afternoon.

What does Go Live HQ automate to save time?

We’re using Dubsado to fast-track our client onboarding processes so that our clients can go live even more quickly and with more communication from our team! From client invoicing to e-signing contracts, we’re already loving how much time we’re saving using Dubsado!

We get through our client process of receiving initial inquiries to scheduling calls to sending contracts & getting paid all with minimal interference on our part. What a dream!

If you’re looking for a system to automate your onboarding, forms, contracts, invoicing & reminder systems, we’d HIGHLY recommend jumping onboard the Dubsado train. You can use our discount code for 20% off your subscription using this link or by using the code “golive” when you sign up!  

Do you have other life-saving, time-saving tips that you want to share with us? Comment on this post, shoot us an email or use our hashtag #GoLiveGoals! We’d love to hear about it!


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