How To Make A Business Card PLUS The Best Resources


Some Of Our FAVE Moo Templates


We talk to a lot of aspiring business owners who are just about to hit the ground running in their business, and we hear all the time "I don't even know where to start!" In response, we're creating a series of blog posts called the Start It Series to help you navigate the first steps of starting your business. 

PRO TIP: You can follow this series and get an email every time we've got a new topic in this series by signing up to get updates below. 

Now, to the basics of the business card! At Go Live HQ, we still believe in the value of business cards & here's why: 

  • It can serve as a first impression in showing off your work. If you are a photographer, you can include an image that shows off your style and ideal client. If you are a designer, it shows your style right off the bat.

  • There is still a standard of professionalism surrounding business cards. People still ask for them at conferences, and if you're not prepared to hand one over, you might look unprepared.

  • Print stands out so much now that everything is digital. It makes your business feel more concrete & trustworthy, which builds your know, like and trust factor.

Here's how to create a business card if you don't know where to start! We've also got our list of favorite business card trends, great places to get your cards printed, and more. 



Figure out the basics you’ll need on the card, and add a few extras to make sure you stand out.

The Basics:

  1. Your Name

  2. Your Business Name

  3. Your Logo

  4. How To Reach You (PRO TIP: Put multiple ways to reach you, but if you prefer over the phone, list that contact information first!) 

The Extras:  

  1. Your Brand Bio or Tagline: A short, concise statement about what you or your business does so people know and remember from the start. (PRO TIP: We have an amazing resource that can help you with this & has helped change the trajectory of SO many businesses!) 

  2. Your Products or Services: If this list is short enough to include on your card, definitely add that in! Especially if your product or service is not included in your business name, make sure to include this. 

  3. Important Visuals: Are you a photographer? Or do you produce a product that you have a great photo of? Include that! 

  4. Call To Action: On the card, make it obvious to whoever you hand this card out what they should do next. Is that to call you? Is that to check out your website? Spell it out for them in a call to action. 

  5. The Benefits: List the benefits of working with you or of using your product or service. Does your product or service create more time for your client or customer? More freedom? Less stress? Include that valuable information! 



You absolutely don’t have to have a design degree to get yourself a beautiful business card. There are TONS of great templates out there for business card printing.

One of our favorite companies with gorgeous free templates is Moo. Our favorite features is the ability to have multiple back options. You can choose to have one side where everything is the same on every card, but have a couple of different options for the the other side whether that is having different colors, images or even highlighting different services or promotions.


Want to make sure your business card is unique? Here’s our roundup of ways to stray away from a plain Jane business card.

  1. Square Business Cards

  2. Custom Shape Cards or Die Cut Cards

  3. Transparent or Plastic Business Cards

  4. Metallic Foil Business Cards

  5. Textured Business Cards


Again, our team at Go Live HQ would highly recommend using Moo for all of your business card printing! 



Whether you’re at a conference or at a grocery store, be ready to hand them out if it seems appropriate!

Here are our tips for the best ways to talk about your business and hand out your business cards in person:

  1. Be selective about who you dish it out to. You’ve invested money in these cards! Make sure you’re handing them out to people who would really use your products or services. Although it’s sweet that your Aunt Sally wants one, is there a high likelihood that she will know someone who could use your services or who is in your target market? Use discretion here.

  2. Be able to tell someone what you do in 5 seconds or less. Use our Free Brand Bio Formula to craft your concise description of what you do so you can sound like a pro from the start. You can get it here


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