6 Things To Update On Your Website At The End Of The Year
We’re days away from a fresh new year (we can hardly believe it) and we’re ready to start 2022 strong!

What’s The Difference Between Squarespace 7.0 versus Squarespace 7.1?
If you haven’t heard that there’s a new platform update, let this be your announcement! Because we still have designs made for Squarespace 7.0, and are releasing Squarespace Templates for 7.1, we wanted to give you a rundown of what the main differences are, and how to tell which version will be best for you.

10 Things To Check Before You Launch Your Website
This checklist will help you check just a few last things to save you from those incredibly kind people trying to “help” by pointing out all your spelling errors after you’ve posted your exciting news to Facebook.

10 Squarespace Tips To Make Your Website More Dynamic

How To Create A Testimonials Slider On Squarespace
Including client testimonials on your website is a super effective strategy to convince someone to book your service, purchase your product, sign up for your class, or whatever it is you do!

Launching a website is a really big accomplishment... right? At our GO LIVE workshops we make a really big deal about launching our attendees new sites.