A Guide For Those Allergic To Analytics


We're SO ECSTATIC for the launch of newest resource in the Kits & Guides Shop, A Guide For Those Allergic To Analytics! 

As small business owners, we wear a lot of different hats. On any given day, you might jump from Marketing Director to Customer Service to Brand Strategist to Copywriter to Designer, and so much more. Because of the ever-demanding needs of a growing business, we tend to get stretched beyond belief and sometimes important things can tend to get pushed to the back burner. Monitoring your website analytics can tend to be one of those “I’ll get to it later” tasks because it’s confusing, daunting, techy, and you may look at these numbers and think “We’ll, now what?”

You’ve heard that your analytics are important, but you don’t know why or how to use them to affect growth in your business.

As a team of savvy experienced female entrepreneurs, we've put together the simplest, most important metrics to track and HOW to measure them to help you grow your business.

Let our guide help you identify the numbers to watch on your site, how to find them, and what to do with them after you've found them. This guide is an amazing resource catered to those using Squarespace or Google Analytics. 



This Guide Is For You If: 

  • You want to direct more visitors to your website.

  • You want to learn how to increase your sales based on concrete evidence.

  • You want to boost your profitability ASAP but don’t know what you’re doing wrong.



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