Bold and Elevated Custom Squarespace Website For Speaker Riaz Meghji


Riaz Meghji is an international human connection keynote speaker and author of the book Every Conversation Counts: The 5 Habits of Human Connection That Build Extraordinary Relationships.

For this Custom project, we created a Squarespace website to fit the bold, engaging, and elevated brand vibe for speaker, author, and coach Riaz Meghji. Riaz came to us with a very specific look and feel in mind for his new website. Taking queues from his speaking packet, we turned his vision into a dynamic and beautiful site! We focused on large imagery for all the pages, and included a lightbox video functionality so you could get the full effect of Riaz on stage.


Brand Inspiration & Website Visuals


Launched Squarespace Website


Squarespace SEO: 7 Tips to Help You Rank on Google


Bold and Inspirational Squarespace Website For Speaker Kristen Hadeed