How To Take A Phenomenal Photo For Your About Page


We've found that one of the trickiest pages for people to create on their website is the About page! You don't know what to write or what photos to include or even where to start. Plus, the page is supposed to be YOU, but how do you put yourself onto just one website page? 

We're here to help! One of the most important things you need on your About Page is a photo of you that both reflects who you are and represents your brand. In the world of web, even if you are the absolute best in your field or profession, when don't LOOK credible on the web, people won't trust you and won't book you or buy from you. 

When it comes to visual brand identity, we feel strongly about the necessity of a great photo on your about page. We can’t stress the importance of showing who you are, especially if you’re building a personality brand. 

Having photos of yourself on your website will ... 

  • Build trust, credibility and connection with people who land on your website, which turns them into your clients or customers.

  • Personalize your business and brand.

  • Make people immediately feel like they know you and connect with you.

  • Show that you stand behind your content simply by showing your face on your website.

  • Automatically attract and repel your ideal client based on who feels like they are a good fit to work with you.

Who you are should be reflected in your about photo. If you are fun and funky, or professional and pulled together, then those qualities should come across in your about photo. The key is to BE YOU whoever that is. Chances are your clients are coming to your business because of your unique gifts. 

5 Tips To Taking A Phenomenal Photo For Your About Page

1. Consider Your Personality and Your Brand

When you are planning your shoot consider your brand words, mood board, color scheme, and personality of your blog. You want everything to be as consistent as possible. Is one of your brand words "energetic"? Then come up with some fun ways to express that in your shoot. Is red the pop of color in your color scheme? Then you may opt for a bright red lipstick. Are you goofy? Then look goofy! Are you thoughtful? Then look thoughtful!  

2. Consider Your Area Of Expertise

Sometimes people can tend to look a bit stiff in photos, especially headshots. If you bring in props that represent what you do it will give you something to interact with in photos helping you to loosen up a bit. For example, if you're a fine artist you could hold a big oversized paintbrush, or if you're a fashion blogger you could be flipping through magazines. See where this is going?

3. Take your own photo, get help from a friend, or hire a photographer.

You don't need to buy expensive gear or hire a professional to take your photo.

Honestly, if you can afford it I would always recommend paying the professionals to do what they do best, but sometimes, for one reason or another, you just can't. Because our resources have improved SO MUCH in the last few years, it's possible to create a great looking bio photo with a smartphone, Photoshop, and a few good tips.

If you're taking your photo outside simply stand in the shade with the light source in front of you to light your face. A good example of this would be standing in a doorway or standing on a porch looking out. Never stand in direct sunlight. If you're taking your photo inside, choose a background that will look good in relation to your blog design and stand or sit facing the window for flattering lighting.

Have a friend take your photo or simply take the photo yourself with your iPhone, timer app, and an iPhone stand. Make sure the image is focused, looking nice and crisp. Email yourself the photo or transfer it to your laptop or computer for the next step.

4. Edit Your Photo

Again, you don't need design experience to edit photos! Now, you can take and edit amazing photos on your smartphone. Our two favorite apps we use for photo editing are VSCO and A Beautiful Mess. 

5. Crop Your Photo (Optional)

Popping your photos into a shape can make it visually interesting! You can use Canva for FREE to crop your photo into a circle shape using this free template. Just export it from Canva and upload it to your site! 


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